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UNC appreciates our students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as members of the Student Government Association, Foundation Board, and the Board of Trustees who participated in creating the strategic plan through listening sessions, budget workshops, task force meetings, planning sessions, town halls, and surveys. Rowing, Not Drifting 2030 is a reflection of your commitment to UNC and to putting Students First.

Thank you to the President’s Leadership Council, UNC Social Research Lab, as well as the staff and faculty from the divisions of academic affairs, finance and administration, student affairs, and university advancement for their support in compiling data, reports, and strategic planning publications.

President’s Leadership Council

Council Members 2020 – 2021

Below is a list of members of the President's Leadership Council (PLC) who contributed to the strategic planning process. PLC discontinued meeting in 2022, but members of PLC who remain at the university are still engaged with university leadership. President Feinstein meets regularly with the Student Senate President, Faculty Senate President, and PASC and CSC Chairs, for example. 

  • Andy Feinstein, President (co-chair)
  • Mark Anderson, Provost (co-chair, departed June '21)
  • Teresa Castro, Student Senate President
  • Vijay Chalasani, Assistant Professor of Viola
  • Darren Dunn, Athletic Director
  • Sher Gibbs, Dean, Monfort College of Business
  • Lisa Grimes, Professional Administrative Staff Council Chair 20-21
  • Tobias Guzmán, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer
  • Allie Steg Haskett, Vice President for University Advancement
  • Shawanna Kimbrough-Hayward, Center for Human Enrichment Director
    •  PASC Rep 18-19-previous
  • Oscar Levin, Faculty Senate Chair, Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
    • Faculty Rep 19-20-previous
  • Dan Maxey, Chief of Staff
  • Kim Medina, Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management (departed June '21)
  • Bret Naber, Chief Information Officer (departed November '21)
  • Kyle Nelson, Professor and Chair, Sociology
  • Michelle Quinn, Chief Financial Officer 
  • Lori Riley, Executive Assistant to the President
  • Katrina Rodriguez, Vice President for Student Affairs (departed May '21)
  • Dan Satriana, Vice President and General Counsel
  • Roni Secord, Interim Classified Staff Council Chair
  • David Shimokawa, Graduate Student Association Director
  • Nikki Troxclair, Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications (departed July '21)

Previous PLC Members

  • Sean Broghammer, Former Interim Assistant Vice President of Strategic Enrollment, Director of Admissions (19-20)
  • Laura Connolly, Dean, College of Humanities & Social Sciences (19-20)
  • Nate Haas, Former News and Public Relations Director (18-19, 19-20)
  • Tim Hernandez, Former Student Senate President (18-19)
  • Theo Kalikow, Former Interim Provost (18-19)
  • Margaret Kinney, Former Classified Staff Council Chair (18-19)
  • Bryson Kelly, Former Professional Administrative Staff Council Chair (19-20)
  • Britney Kyle, Associate Professor, Anthropology (19-20)
  • Stan Luger, Former Faculty Senate Chair (18-19, 19-20)
  • Gloria Reynolds, Former Chief of Staff (18-19, 19-20)
  • Eugene Sheehan, Former Dean, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, retired (18-19, fall 19)
  • Nancy Sileo, Former Associate Provost (18-19)
  • Lindsay Snyder, Former Classified Staff Council Chair (19-20, fall 20)
  • Michaella Tancayo, Former Student Senate President (19-20)
  • Dan Weaver, Former Vice President for University Relations (18-19)

Board of Trustees

Board Members ('19-'21)

  • Dick Monfort, Chair
  • Christine Scanlan, Vice Chair
  • Janice Sinden
  • Stephen Jordan
  • Maia Babbs
  • Shashwata Prateek Dutta
  • Patricia Barela Rivera
  • Fritz Fischer, Faculty Trustee
  • Alexis McCowan, Student Trustee

Previous Board Members

  • Paul Washington, Vice Chair
  • Kevin Ahern
  • Tony Salazar
  • Kato Crews
  • Joan Clinefelter, Faculty Trustee
  • Malaika Michel-Fuller, Student Trustee
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