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Hometown Hot Spots

Two people eating a hamburger at a table

Hometown Hot Spot: Stella's Pinball Arcade and Lounge

你是要回家过返校节吗,想知道城里有什么好玩的吗? From family 友好的活动、美食、艺术等等,你会发现格里利有很多让你爱上的地方 Hometown Hot Spots.

Los Comales at 1331 9th St.

Hometown Hot Spot: Los Comales

格里利有几家墨西哥卷饼店和餐车,包括皇冠app官方版下载最受欢迎的Los Comales at 1331 9th St.

Group of diners hold menus at Santeramo's

Hometown Hot Spot: Santeramo's Pizza House

如果你喜欢坐下来吃披萨,那就看看Santeramo的菜单吧 位于中央校园步行不远的第10大道1229号.

Large M on wall behind two chairs

Hometown Hot Spot: Midnight Oil Bookstore

如果你喜欢读一本好书,那么你必须参观格里利的新书 downtown bookstore Midnight Oil Bookstore 827 10th St.

Bookshelves and chairs in Midnight Oil Bookstore

Hometown Hot Spot: Midnight Oil Bookstore

Looking for a great read? 看看格里利市中心新开的书店,午夜石油 Bookstore at 827 10th St.

Einstein mural by Armando Silva

Hometown Hot Spot: Downtown Murals and Art Walk

格里利市中心到处都是公共和街头艺术,包括几幅UNC的壁画 alumnus and local artist Armando Silva '10

Hometown Hot Spot: Stella's Pinball Arcade and Lounge

在斯特拉的弹球游戏厅和休息室找到并玩旧学校和新街机游戏 located at 802 9th St.

Neyla Pekarek performing with cello on stage

Hometown Hot Spot: Moxi Theater

校友Neyla Pekarek '09和前光辉乐队成员表演她的个人专辑 Rattlesnake Kate on stage at the Moxi Theatre.

Now showing sign above the Kress Cinema

Hometown Hot Spot: Kress Cinema

克雷斯电影院提供手工鸡尾酒、小盘子和你最喜欢的独立电影, along with several mainstream films. Regulars also know that below the cinema you can find Greeley's hidden speakeasy.

Crowd gathered outside at FridayFest

Hometown Hot Spot: Friday Fest

星期五嘉年华把格里利市中心变成了一个街区派对,有现场音乐,饮料和 food every Friday during the summer.

小批量烈酒和手工鸡尾酒加上现场UNC爵士,使477蒸馏 a top stop for after hours in downtown Greeley.

Hometown Hot Spot: 477 Distilling

小批量烈酒和手工鸡尾酒加上现场UNC爵士,使477蒸馏 a top stop for after hours in downtown Greeley.

Hometown Hot Spot: WeldWerks

在格里利不断发展的行业中,手工酿造是其中之一, WeldWerks is a favorite among locals and tourists.

UNC alumni and students at Crabtree Brewing

Hometown Hot Spot: Crabtree Brewing

皇冠app官方版下载校友和啤酒厂老板杰夫·克拉布特里(Jeff Crabtree)致敬,感谢他帮助建立了格里利酒吧 不断发展的手工酿造行业,并与皇冠app官方版下载酿造科学专业的学生合作 on craft collaborations.

Coffee bar and barista

Hometown Hot Spot: John Galt Coffee

在中央校区以东的几个街区,你会发现校园咖啡馆最受欢迎的约翰·高尔特 Coffee.

Two baristas at the coffee bar

Hometown Hot Spot: Margie's Java Joint

几十年来,学生和教职员工都在玛吉的爪哇咖啡馆见面喝咖啡 or chai. 这家商店还提供一个当地艺术品和家居用品的小市场.

Window sign for La Petite French Bakery

Hometown Hot Spot: La Petite French Bakery

如果你想要每天在店里烘焙的香甜可口的点心,就早点到 中央校区对面16街的小店面.

Office of Alumni RelationsOffice of Alumni Relations
September 09, 2022

On your way to Greeley for Homecoming? Whether you just graduated or you graduated 50年前,你会发现很多东西都变了,但友好的格里利氛围依然存在. 这里有很多可看的和可做的,还有一些城市隐藏的瑰宝和 新的业务,我们很高兴与大家分享这个UNC杂志格里利指南的先睹为快, just in time for planning your trip.

我们的家乡正在发展(事实上,它是科罗拉多州和加利福尼亚州发展最快的城镇)th fastest in the nation). 如果你有段时间没来格里利了,你可以 不知道我们镇上隐藏的瑰宝,家庭友好活动,艺术和 the growth of breweries and distilleries around town. Recent grad Dakota Perez ‘22 shares some ideas to get you started. For a more comprehensive list, check out the Visitor’s Guide at visitgreeley.org.

Hidden Gems

  • Thai One - 2541 11th Ave.
  • La Tarahumara - 1101 8th Ave.
  • Los Comales - 1331 9th St.
  • Sherpa Grill - 908 8th Ave.
  • Santeramo’s Pizza House - 1229 10th Ave.

皇冠app官方版下载校园的步行距离内,有很多优秀的美食场所 ——还有一些隐藏的宝藏不是每个人都知道的. Grab boba from Thai One, 从La Tarahumara或Los Comales买些墨西哥卷饼,从Sherpa Grill买些咖喱,或者一些意大利饺子 from Santeramo’s! Each offers a unique global Greeley vibe.

Family Friendly

  • Poudre Learning Center - 5849–5893 W F St.
  • Ice Haus - 900 8th Ave.
  • Greeley History Museum - 714 8th St.
  • Midnight Oil Bookstore – 827 10th St.
  • Stella’s Pinball Arcade and Lounge – 802 9th St.

带着全家人到镇上的冰屋去滑一个下午的冰 或者在21英里长的波德雷小径上呼吸一点新鲜空气. From there, you can stop 前往波德雷学习中心,了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装波德雷河及其资源的信息. 格里利历史博物馆提供了皇冠app安卓下载安装这座城市过去的见解和信息. 一次好的公路旅行需要一些可读的东西,你会发现成堆的旧的和新的 午夜石油书店10号的新店th Street. 如果你想添加一些古怪的怀旧和家庭友好的霓虹灯氛围, 在Stella 's试试80年代的弹球机(成人也可以喝),在那里你可以买到 a great burger or sandwich while you play. 

Art & Culture

在星期五晚上漫步在格里利市中心,你会发现很多庆祝活动 无论是在星期五电影节,Moxi剧院,还是在克雷斯电影院. If you look around, 你会看到一些很棒的户外艺术,包括皇冠app官方版下载校友画的壁画 Armando Silva and Cody Kuehl. Interested in performing arts? Make plans to hear the 格里利爱乐乐团或参加音乐,喜剧,音乐会或表演在联合殖民地 Civic Center.

Breweries and Distilleries

  • 477 Distilling - 825 9th St, Unit B
  • WeldWerks Brewing Company - 508 8th Ave
  • Wiley Roots Brewing Company - 625 3rd St
  • Syntax Spirits - 700 6th St
  • Crabtree Brewing Company - 2961 W 29th St

格里利真的长大了,在真正的科罗拉多时尚中,这意味着你会有一些 当地的啤酒厂和酿酒厂,包括一些校友拥有的选择. (格里利拥有该州最好的水,难怪会成为 phenomenal breweries and distilleries!) Try out 477 Distilling downtown and WeldWerks close by. Wiley Roots Brewing Company和Syntax Spirits离市中心不远 或者在Crabtree Brewing Company找到皇冠app官方版下载合作酿造的啤酒.  

Coffee Shops and Sweet Spots

  • John Galt - 709 16th St
  • Margie’s Java Joint - 931 16th St
  • La Petite French Bakery - 919 16th St
  • Berry Blendz - 1640 8th Ave
  • Aunt Helen’s - 800 8th Ave, Unit 101

Need a pick-me-up? 格里利有很多当地的咖啡店,你可以在那里喝上一杯. 下次你去的时候,花点时间去玛姬的爪哇酒吧,约翰·高尔特,或者海伦阿姨家 in town looking for something caffeinated! Close to central campus are two great spots: La Petite法国面包店(自制,从头开始制作的糕点,会让你思考 你去巴黎旅行了),还有新开的Berry Blendz,提供冰沙 and sandwiches.

Homecoming + Family and Friends Weekend

September 23-25, 2022

加入您的UNC社区,参加返校节+家人和朋友周末. Check out the 校园和更广泛的格里利社区提供的活动和事件.

Visit Homecoming Central


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